Notes Client / Mail: Make location of Slide-in notifications adjustable and...
Author: Christopher BooteTags:mailalertsslide-inIdea:File-Preferences-Mail-Sending and Receiving (Alerts) is set to 'Slide in a summary' (this is a sop to ex-Outlook users who can't or won't cope with...
View ArticleSametime / Other: Sametime Alert with a placehoder for topic
Author: Sreeja KurupTags:alertsIdea: Hello, Can we have a facility to set a topic when I set alert for a contact. This will help the user (me) to reconnect fast to the subject for which the alert was...
View ArticleSametime / Other: Alert me when off the phone / VC
Author: Richard JeansTags:sametimealertsIdea: I like the "alert me when available" feature of sametime. However, if someone is on the phone they are not available. So I would like to be alerted when...
View ArticleNotes Client / Mail: Make location of Slide-in notifications adjustable and...
Author: Christopher BooteTags:mailalertsslide-inIdea:File-Preferences-Mail-Sending and Receiving (Alerts) is set to 'Slide in a summary' (this is a sop to ex-Outlook users who can't or won't cope with...
View ArticleSametime / Other: Sametime Alert with a placehoder for topic
Author: Sreeja KurupTags:alertsIdea: Hello, Can we have a facility to set a topic when I set alert for a contact. This will help the user (me) to reconnect fast to the subject for which the alert was...
View ArticleSametime / Other: Alert me when off the phone / VC
Author: Richard JeansTags:sametimealertsIdea: I like the "alert me when available" feature of sametime. However, if someone is on the phone they are not available. So I would like to be alerted when...
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